I am trying to implement Interfaces.jl for my package.
The code can be found here: SolarPosition.jl/src at main · PVSMC/SolarPosition.jl · GitHub
The interface definition is here: SolarPosition.jl/src/PositionInterface/PositionInterface.jl at main · PVSMC/SolarPosition.jl · GitHub
module PositionInterface
using Interfaces
using DynamicQuantities: Quantity
export SolarPositionInterface, SolarPositionAlgorithm
abstract type SolarPositionAlgorithm end
function sunpos end
components = (
mandatory = (
sunpos_check = (
"interface implements the sunpos function" => a::Arguments -> sunpos(
a.algorithm, a.timestamp) isa Tuple{Quantity, Quantity}
optional = ()
description = """
Defines an interface to calculate the position of the sun in the sky from a given
observer position and time defined by a location and timestamp.
A solar position is uniquely defined by the elevation and azimuth angles.
@interface SolarPositionInterface SolarPositionAlgorithm components description
end # module PositionInterface
The test I implemented is here: SolarPosition.jl/test/test-interfaces.jl at main · PVSMC/SolarPosition.jl · GitHub
using TimeZones: now, TimeZone
using Interfaces
using PVSimBase.GeoLocation: Location
using SolarPosition.Basic
using SolarPosition.PositionInterface
@testset "Basic algorithm" begin
test_location = Location(latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0)
alg = BasicAlgorithm(test_location)
@test alg isa BasicAlgorithm
@test alg.location == test_location
pos = sunpos(alg, now(TimeZone("UTC")))
@testset "PositionInterfaces" begin
@test Interfaces.test()
I want every SolarPositionAlgorithm
to conform to the SolarPositionInterface
interface (some parts are mandatory, others optional).
@test Interfaces.test()
throws this error:
Testing SolarPositionInterface is implemented for BasicAlgorithm
InterfaceError: test for SolarPositionInterface :sunpos_check "interface implements the sunpos function" threw a MethodError
For test object Arguments{(:algorithm, :timestamp), Tuple{BasicAlgorithm, TimeZones.ZonedDateTime}}((algorithm = BasicAlgorithm(Location(0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , tz"UTC")), timestamp = TimeZones.ZonedDateTime(2024, 12, 31, 2, 33, 26, 462, tz"UTC"))):
PositionInterfaces: Error During Test at /Projects/2024/PV/SolarPosition.jl/test/test-interfaces.jl:17
Test threw exception
Expression: Interfaces.test()
MethodError: no method matching sunpos(::BasicAlgorithm, ::TimeZones.ZonedDateTime)
The function `sunpos` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.
[1] (::SolarPosition.PositionInterface.var"#1#2")(a::Arguments{(:algorithm, :timestamp), Tuple{BasicAlgorithm, TimeZones.ZonedDateTime}})
So for some reason when I run @test Interfaces.test()
it does not find the correct implementation of the sunpos
function. It does find the right algorithm implementation.
With a lot of this more advanced stuff I am still a beginner so please let me know if this is completely the wrong direction to take this implementation…