I have some weird interaction between broadcasting and custom indices for a type. This is a minimal example.
Say I have this type, which holds data in a matrix format
struct Foo <: AbstractMatrix{Float64}
nm::Tuple{Int, Int}
Foo(data) = new(data, size(data))
and I then implement the custom indexing behaviour I need using Cartesian indices
# reflect indices
@inline mapindices(k::Int, j::Int) =
(ifelse(k≥0, k, -k)+1, ifelse(j≥0, j, -j)+1)
# ~~ cartesian indexing ~~
@noinline function Base.getindex(f::Foo, k::Int, j::Int)
f.data[mapindices(k, j)...]
@noinline function Base.setindex!(f::Foo, val, k::Int, j::Int)
f.data[mapindices(k, j)...] = val
In some cases, however, I prefer to use linear indices for performance, so I define:
# ~~ linear indexing ~~
@noinline function Base.getindex(f::Foo, i::Int)
@noinline function Base.setindex!(f::Foo, val, i::Int)
f.data[i] = val
I then implement linearindices
and IndexStyle
, so that by default the IndexLinear
behaviour is used, over the indices of the underlying data, while indices
allows bounds checking when the special cartesian indexing I have defined above is used.
function Base.indices(f::Foo)
n, m = f.nm
return -n+1:n-1, -m+1:m-1
Base.linearindices(f::Foo) = linearindices(f.data)
# tell broadcast to use fast linear ndexing
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{Foo}) = IndexLinear()
Here is where my issue arises. I might not be understanding completely how indexing and broadcast interact, so here is the problem.
# ~~~ tests ~~~
# this represents the data
# 4 3 4
# 2 1 2
# 4 3 4
u = Foo([1 2;
3 4])
# this is what the `mapindices` function above does, it just mirrors the data.
# here is some other data
b = Foo([1 2;
3 4])
# this is what it looks like
display(u); println()
@show indices(u)
@show linearindices(u)
@show IndexStyle(u)
Now, when I use the new dot syntax in v0.6, I want broadcast to use the fast linear indexing, to loop over the underlying data efficiently. However
# use broadcast
u .= u .+ b
# results in
# ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 2×2 Array{Float64,2} at index [5]
where it seems to me that it is trying to access the underlying data at index 5, ignoring my definition of linearindices
Any help is welcome.