Hi all,
In my code I need to check the status of my integrator, and if it got terminated (because of my own callback) I want to know about that.
But I have some difficulty with the MWE down below. It seems like the retcode does not change after reinit!
In this code I check for u if it is positive, and then terminate. But then I change the initial condition and the retcode is still :Terminated
(although the solution is perfectly good).
This may be an issue?
using DifferentialEquations
f(u,p,t) = 2*u
# the solution is positive or negative depends on the initial condition
u_positive(u,t,integrator) = u > 0
terminate_if_u_pos = DiscreteCallback(u_positive, terminate!)
prob = ODEProblem(f, 1.0, (0.0, 1.0)) # positive initial condition > positive u > :Terminated
integrator = init(prob, Tsit5(), callback=terminate_if_u_pos)
sol1 = solve!(integrator)
@show sol1.retcode # should be :Terminated
# julia> sol1.retcode = :Terminated
reinit!(integrator, -1.0) # negative initial condition > negative u > :Success!
sol2 = solve!(integrator)
@show sol2.retcode
# julia> sol2.retcode = :Terminated
# but should be :Success like as to following code:
prob = ODEProblem(f, -1.0,(0.0, 1.0)) # negative initial condition > negative u > :Success!
integrator = init(prob, Tsit5(), callback=terminate_if_u_pos)
sol3 = solve!(integrator)
@show sol3.retcode
# julia> sol3.retcode = :Success
Thanks a lot for the great community!