I’m pretty new to Julia and decided to bite off a huge chunk of technical naivete and try to integrate a simple Julia module (a port of Tony Hardy-Bicks DFM1 Korg MS20 filter) into a JUCE Plugin project.
My repo is here in case its of interest - doesn’t build/work yet, but its a work in progress. All the ‘scaffolding’ is in place but I’m probably doing some stupid/wrong things - and I’d love to hear from anyone with tips on how to proceed, or do this better:
I’m trying to make this all integrated/bundle-up with CMake, as that is a preferred method of doing things in the JUCE world, and I confess that I’m really not sure if my technique for how to build a Julia shared (.dylib) library is going to work out, so I thought I’d reach out for some tips from any Julia/.dylib/JUCE/CMake guru’s who might find this interesting …
Hey- thanks for the advice. I’ll spend some time looking into juliac and see how I can use it in my project. I’m a newbie to Julia, so this is some helpful insight.
For a complete newbie, compiling Julia to static binaries is already one of the more complex things to do, but if you get stuck people will be happy to help. We’re all trying out the upcoming juliac capabilities currently and there are still many rough edges
I tried to use StaticCompiler.jl to create a static library that I can then embed into GNU Radio, but the problem is it doesn’t emit any debug symbols that gdb can use. When you julia function eventually segfault, you won’t see friendly julia code on your debugger, only a bunch of assembly code.