Integrate convolution symbolically to solve PDE

I would like to solve a PDE with MethodOfLines.jl and ModellingToolkit.jl similar to the example My modification is to change the integral term. Instead of integrating u(t,x) wrt x I would like to integrate (y-x)u(t,y) wrt y. Thus, I have to evaluate the function u which is originally defined as a function of x, with a paramter y in the integral. u still also needs to be able to be evaluated with parameter x since in the other parts of the PDE I still have to evaluate u(t,x). How can I do that? Because when I just define y as a paramter and then write u(t,y) I get the error message:
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid index: nothing of type Nothing
[1] to_index(i::Nothing)
@ Base ./indices.jl:300
[2] to_index(A::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, i::Nothing)
@ Base ./indices.jl:277
[3] _to_indices1(A::Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}, inds::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, I1::Nothing)
@ Base ./indices.jl:359
[4] to_indices
@ Base ./indices.jl:354 [inlined]
[5] to_indices
@ Base ./indices.jl:345 [inlined]
[6] getindex
@ Base ./abstractarray.jl:1288 [inlined]
[7] (::PDEBase.var"#54#62"{Vector{Symbolics.VarDomainPairing}})(x::SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real})
@ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/VVGPP/src/variable_map.jl:34
[8] iterate
@ Base ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[9] collect_to!(dest::Vector{Pair{…}}, itr::Base.Generator{Vector{…}, PDEBase.var"#54#62"{…}}, offs::Int64, st::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:892
[10] collect_to_with_first!(dest::Vector{…}, v1::Pair{…}, itr::Base.Generator{…}, st::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:870
[11] _collect(c::Vector{…}, itr::Base.Generator{…}, ::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{…})
@ Base ./array.jl:864
[12] collect_similar(cont::Vector{Any}, itr::Base.Generator{Vector{Any}, PDEBase.var"#54#62"{Vector{…}}})
@ Base ./array.jl:763
[13] map(f::Function, A::Vector{Any})
@ Base ./abstractarray.jl:3282
[14] PDEBase.VariableMap(pdesys::PDESystem, disc::MOLFiniteDifference{…}; replaced_vars::Dict{…})
@ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/VVGPP/src/variable_map.jl:33
[15] symbolic_discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
@ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/VVGPP/src/symbolic_discretize.jl:17
[16] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…}; analytic::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
@ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/VVGPP/src/discretization_state.jl:57
[17] discretize(pdesys::PDESystem, discretization::MOLFiniteDifference{…})
@ PDEBase ~/.julia/packages/PDEBase/VVGPP/src/discretization_state.jl:54
[18] top-level scope
@ ~/Documents/implement/multid_op_form/example_1.jl:27
Some type information was truncated. Use show(err) to see complete types.

Here is the code I used:

using MethodOfLines, ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, DomainSets, Plots

@parameters t, x, y

@variables u(..) cumuSum(..) integrand(..)

Dt = Differential(t)

Dx = Differential(x)

xmin = 0.0

xmax = 2.0pi

# Integral limits are defined with DomainSets.ClosedInterval

Iy = Integral(y in DomainSets.ClosedInterval(xmin, xmax)) # basically cumulative sum from 0 to x

eq = [

integrand(t,x, y) ~ (y-x)*u(t, y), # Define the integrand as a separate function

cumuSum(t, x) ~ Iy(integrand(t,x,y)), # Note wrapping the argument to the derivative with an auxiliary variable

Dt(u(t, x)) + 2 * u(t, x) + 5 * Dx(cumuSum(t, x)) ~ 1


bcs = [u(0.0, x) ~ cos(x), Dx(u(t, xmin)) ~ 0.0, Dx(u(t, xmax)) ~ 0]

domains = [t ∈ Interval(0.0, 2.0), x ∈ Interval(xmin, xmax)]

@named pde_system = PDESystem(eq, bcs, domains, [t, x], [u(t, x), cumuSum(t, x)])

order = 2

discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => 30], t)

prob = MethodOfLines.discretize(pde_system, discretization)

sol = solve(prob, QNDF(), saveat = 0.1);

solu = sol[u(t, x)]

plot(sol[x], transpose(solu))

Right now we don’t have enough symbolic integral solving tools for this, but it is planned down the line.

Oh, that’s unfortunate. Thx for the answer tho and I’m looking forward to when it’s implemented :slight_smile: