I’m playing with some student code, and the following is happening: while there is a Manifest.toml
file and it seems to contain all the packages, instantiate
does nothing:
shell> ls
config.jl 'ddt_polipart!.jl' geradist.jl Manifest.toml Project.toml Run_polipart.jl Solve_BV2.jl
Configsimul.jl 'ddt_regsol_4!.jl' jacpattern.jl Mataux.jl projeto_1D Salvasimul.jl 'Solve_BV!.jl'
shell> grep DifferentialEquations Manifest.toml
(projeto_1D) pkg> instantiate
julia> using DifferentialEquations
│ Package DifferentialEquations not found, but a package named DifferentialEquations is available from a registry.
│ Install package?
│ (projeto_1D) pkg> add DifferentialEquations
└ (y/n/o) [y]: n
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package DifferentialEquations not found in current path.
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations")` to install the DifferentialEquations package.
What may be happening here?
The Project.toml
file seems fine as well.