Installing OrdinaryEqDiff on Julia 1.10

Hey there,

I having trouble installing OrdinaryEqDiff and I have no clue what the problem could be. It just gets stuck forever, always in this specific part:

        Info Packages marked with ⌅ have new versions available but compatibility constraints restrict them from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated -m`
Precompiling project...
  Progress [======================================>  ]  31/33
  ◓ OrdinaryDiffEqDefault

I have tried in two different computers and it’s the same issue. I have removed all folders related to OrdinaryEqDiff in case there was any issue with prior files. And I’m installing it in an empty environement through

activate --temp
add OrdinaryDiffEq

so it cannot be due to incompatibilites with other packages. FYI, I’m using Julia 1.10.3. I managed to install it with 1.9 but I need it for 1.10. I’ve checked the repository and it’s up to date, so no reason to think it should not work with 1.10. Could anyone give me a hand on this?

Thank you :slight_smile:

On which operating system are you?

Just tried on Linux and it works fine for me.

v1.10.3 had a bug in GC which causes this. Use v1.10.5, i.e. the latest lts. I don’t think you can even easily download 1.10.3 anymore without knowing exactly the server link?


Just did it today:

juliaup add 1.10.3

Well most people shouldn’t be choosing an exact version, just release or lts

Just tried to reproduce the issue.

It was definitely this! Thank you very much :slight_smile: