Installing H2o and XGBoost on Windows 10

Hi all,

Thanks in advance.

I’m using JuliaPro- on Windows 10 64 bit.

H2o: Is the any Julia package on Windows?

XGBoost: I was trying to install it using Julia>Pkg.add(“XGBoost”).
But I’ve received the this error: XGBoost had build errors. LoadError: None of the selected providers can install dependency xgboostwrapper


See this for how to make XGBoost.jl work on Windows:

XGBoost now runs fine under Windows 10 using Julia 1.0.1 I finally got this working on my own machine and wanted to post a link on the steps I took to accomplish this. Below is an article containing some of the hoops I needed to get through to get XGBoost to work properly on windows.

The article also gives a fairly straightforward example of using XGBoost on the Wilson Breast Cancer data set.

XGBoost is now available pre-built through the BinaryBuilder infrastructure.