Inserting a row or column in a Makie layout

Say I have an existing grid like this one:

using CairoMakie

f = Figure(resolution=(600, 200))
scatter(f[1,1], 1:3, 1:3)
scatter(f[1,2], 1:3, [0,0,0])


How can I insert a column between these two?

An idea would be to move everything contained in f[1,2] to f[1,3]), but can I do that?

GridLayoutBase has insertrows!and cols, should be exported?

Thanks! Yes it’s exported, though not by Makie itself so I used it like this:

f = Figure(resolution=(600, 200))
scatter(f[1,1], 1:3, 1:3)
scatter(f[1,2], 1:3, [0,0,0])
Makie.GridLayoutBase.insertcols!(f.layout, 2, 1)
Label(f[1,2], "Some text", tellheight=false)


I’m still curious though: is there a way to move a slot’s content to another slot?

You just assign it to a new location. If you don’t have the object you can use content() or if there are multiple objects contents() like f[1,4] = content(f[1,1]). The thing to remember is that the setindex operation on GridLayouts just connects an object to a layout, it doesn’t copy anything and it removes any previous connection there might have been, as each layoutable object can only have one parent.

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Perfect, thanks!

For completeness here’s the code using that approach:

f = Figure(resolution=(600, 200))
scatter(f[1,1], 1:3, 1:3)
scatter(f[1,2], 1:3, [0,0,0])
f[1,3] = content(f[1,2])
Label(f[1,2], "Some text", tellheight=false)