Initializing a dataframe

I suspect that there is a simple and idiomatic solution, but I have to admit that with this meandering topic I no longer have a clear idea what the problem is.

If you want collect the arguments a function was called with, you could define a container and make it callable. Eg

struct CollectingVector{T}

CollectingVector{T}() where T = CollectingVector(Vector{T}())

function (cv::CollectingVector)(x)
    push!(cv.vector, x)

julia> cv = CollectingVector{typeof((J_δ = 1.0, c =  1.0))}(); # template for type

julia> cv((J_δ = 1, c = 2))

julia> cv.vector
1-element Array{NamedTuple{(:J_δ, :c),Tuple{Float64,Float64}},1}:
 (J_δ = 1.0, c = 2.0)

You almost certainly don’t need metaprogramming, but instead of learning about very basic things like loops and composite types (stuct) in the course of solving the problem, you may benefit from just working through the manual first.

Julia is a powerful language, but you won’t be able to harness that power without making an initial investment in some structured form.