Here are some further experiments, getting closer to what I really want. At this point, it is no longer about my original problem, but about me being obsessed with getting a specific result.
struct A end
struct B end
function getCurrents(::A)
random = rand()
J_δ = [8, 6]
J_β = [3,23]
return (J_δ = J_δ, J_β = J_β, c = random)
function getCurrents(::B)
dict = Dict()
random = rand()
dict[:J_δ] = [8, 6]
dict[:J_β] = [3,25]
return dict
a = A(); output_named_tuple = getCurrents(a)
for (k,v) in zip(keys(output_named_tuple), output_named_tuple)
# eval evaluates in the global context
eval(:($k = $v))
b = B(); dict = getCurrents(b)
for (k,v) in zip(keys(dict), dict)
# eval evaluates in the global context
eval(:($k = $v)) # Defines J_β, J_δ
My function getCurrents, either returns a NamedTuple or a Dictionary. When it returns a dictionary, J_\alpha and J_\beta only appear once. In the original solution, J_\beta and J_\delta appear each three times, which violates the DRY principle. Lower down, I have two loops, one over the NamedTuple, and one over the dictionary. In both cases, the variables J_\beta and J_\delta are instantiated in the global space (perhaps the wrong term in Julia) in the sense that in any function I could type something like
z = J_\alpha + J_\beta
and I would get a result.
My real objective is to specify the variables I wish to track only ONCE, and have my callback collect the value of these variables once per time step of an ODE solver, and store the results in a DataFrame. Of course it is possible. Anything is possible: after all, that is what packages and modules are all about. Creating easy to use functionality that is not simple with the current structure of julia and packaging it for the user.
I am open to any suggestions you might have. This little excursion has taught me about NamedTuples, Structures, zip, loops of various kinds and the most basic form of metaprogramming.
One question: I wonder how efficient or non-efficient my approach is. Note that efficiency is not the point here, but feasibility.
When using DifferentialEquations.jl, if I must unpack a dictionary everything the right-hand side is invokedm there might be a penalty. Those are experiments I might drive myself to run.
Another issue: in the right-hand side routine, without the callback, J_\beta and J_\delta are variables local to the method. In the current approach, J_\alpha and J_\beta are defined in the global space, which is never a good idea. So one question to answer is whether it is possible to apply a macro to create a variable in a local context of some kind.
I have read the following three links: ’
Thank you,