I need to initialize a Matrix, containing Matrices, the latter containing a Vector or Matrices.
I did something like this:
sizeMat11 = 2
sizeMat12 = 3
sizeMat21 = 5
sizeMat22 = 6
sizeVec31 = 9
struct SomeStruct
function SomeFunction(l::Int64 , n::Int64 ,m::Int64)::Tuple{Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Vector{Float64}}
a = zeros(l,l)
b = zeros(m,m)
c = rand(n)
return a,b,c
v = Array{Array{Vector{AbstractMatrix{SomeStruct}}, 2} , 2}(undef , sizeMat11 , sizeMat12)
for imat11 = 1:sizeMat11
for imat12 = 1:sizeMat12
for imat21 = 1:sizeMat21
for imat22 = 1:sizeMat22
a,b,c = SomeFunction(10,15,9)
v[imat11,imat12][imat21,imat22] = [a,b,c]
julia> a = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, 2)
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
julia> a[1][1] = 3
ERROR: UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
You haven’t allocated any inner vector that you can write to, the outer vector just contains two undef references. You have to pre-allocate the innermost arrays, before you can start accessing and writing to them. Or you can write a[1] = [1,2,3], but you cannot index into an undef, only replace it with a value.
The easiest way is normally to use comprehensions, like @uniment said, then you will also get correct element types. You should definitely avoid having an AbstractMatrix eltype in there, that will harm performance.
I would like also to point out that if the sizes of the matrices/vectors are constant, then there is no need to make them nested. You can just make higher dimensional one.