Can I use a different activation function for each output of my network?
using Lux
net = Chain(Dense(3, 10, tanh), Dense(10, 3, tanh))
I know that output 2
can only be positive, but 1
and 3
can be negative.
Is it possible to define a particular activation function for each output of the network?
and 3
→ tanh
→ relu
If so, how can I do that?
You can probably do this with a custom layer.
struct ChannelActivations{T}
ChannelActivations(args...) = ChannelActivations(args)
function (a::ChannelActivations)(x::AbstractMatrix, ps, st::NamedTuple)
y = reduce(vcat, [f.(v) for (f, v) in zip(a.activations, eachrow(x))])
return y, st
Lux.parameterlength(::ChannelActivations) = 0
Lux.statelength(::ChannelActivations) = 0
# no specified activation on the second Dense makes it a linear layer.
net = Chain(Dense(3, 10, tanh), Dense(10, 3), ChannelActivations(tanh, relu, tanh))