I am trying to increase a range object that has already been created. Basically, I have a range 1,2,3,..,8,9,10 and then i want to add 11,12,13 to the same range object so that i will get a final range of 1,2,3,...11,12,13. Is there a way to do this?
julia> r1=1:10
julia> r2=11:13
julia> r1+r2
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("argument dimensions must match")
[1] +(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) at .\range.jl:1005
[2] top-level scope at none:0
That won’t in general be a range. If you want it to produce another range then you’ll have to write a function that checks that the strides are the same and that the last endpoint of the first range and the first endpoint of the second range are the same. If you don’t care about producing a range then you can just do [r1; r2] which does array concatenation.