Hi everyone. I have been trying to simulate the growth of entanglement entropy in random unitary circuits using Yao for a while now. When comparing with old results from my Qiskit code I found out about some inconsistencies in the results, even though I basically translated my Qiskit code to Yao. Moreover, when sampling over unitaries, I get NaNs for the entropy. I think this could be associated with some precision issues but I don’t know how to tackle them. Let me explain with a small example code:
using Yao, YaoExtensions
using Random
using QuantumInformation, SharedArrays, Statistics, Distributed
function entropy(psi, n, nA)
state = svdvals(reshape(psi, (2^nA, 2^(n-nA)))) .^ 2
return -sum( state.*log.(state) )
# Circuit definition: 1.) Random single-qubit rotation gates and 2.) Controlled-Z gates as entanglers
# I used periodic boundary conditions in this particular case
function ruc(n::Int, θ::Array{Float64, 1})
U = chain(n)
append!(U, chain(n, put(n, loc=>chain(rand(rng,randG)( θ[loc] ))) for loc = 1:n))
for j = 1:n-1
append!(U, chain(n, cz(n, j, j+1)))
append!(U, chain(n, cz(n, 1)))
return U
# pmax = circuit depth, n = num of qubits, nA=2, and eps controls the angles of
# the single-qubit rotation gates
function entropyEvolution(pmax::Int, n::Int, nA::Int, eps::Float64 )
ψ = Yao.uniform_state(n)
ent = Float64[]
θ = (2*rand(n) .- 1)*(π*eps)
for t in 1:pmax
U = ruc(n, θ)
ψ |> U
push!(ent, entropy(state(ψ), n, nA))
test_cz = SharedArray{Float64, 2}(100, p);
test_cz_ϵ = SharedArray{Float64, 2}(100, p);
@distributed for i in 1:100
test_cz[i,:] = entropyEvolution(p, 10, 2, 1.0)
@distributed for i in 1:100
test_cz_ϵ[i,:] = entropyEvolution(p, 10, 2, 0.05)
After running this code I get something like this for the entanglement entropy
However, running the same code in Qiskit doesn’t show such oscillations in the entropy as well as no NaN values. Am I missing something here? Any help in immensely appreciated.