Inconsistent promotion of unsinged integers

I was surprised when I discovered the following when I was trying to do some fixed-point arithmetics

julia> UInt64(1) - 2
julia> UInt32(1) - 2
julia> UInt16(1) - 2

This (inconsistent ?) behavior seems intentional. I found these promotion rules in base/int.jl

promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int64}) = Int64
#= ... =#
for T in BitSigned_types
    @eval promote_rule{S<:Union{UInt8,UInt16}}(::Type{S}, ::Type{$T}) =
        $(sizeof(T) < sizeof(Int) ? Int : T)
#= ... =#
promote_rule{T<:BitSigned64}(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{T}) = UInt64

I’m sure there is some rationale behind this, as there usually is. But, I can’t see it.

Ref. discussion here: Int64*Uint64 · Issue #9292 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub