What is the meaning / use of the third argument fname in include_string?
I saw it used this way in IJulia:
include_string(Main, code, "In[$n]")
where n is a number (say 1), In is a mapping of Int to String, which stores code string. So if n=1, In[1] contains code.
I tried the following in the REPL
include_string(Main, "a=1; a+a", "s")
which works at intended, but I do not get the purpose of the third argument.
julia> Base.include_string("0//0", "HEEEEEEEEEERE")
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: invalid rational: zero(Int64)//zero(Int64)
[1] Rational{Int64}(::Int64, ::Int64) at ./rational.jl:13
[2] //(::Int64, ::Int64) at ./rational.jl:40
[3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
while loading HEEEEEEEEEERE, in expression starting on line 1