In vscode, is there a way to show snippets of function of python package when called by PythonCall.jl or PyCall.jl?

Hi all.

I’m trying to use Python’s matplotlib package in Julia code.
It is called by PythonCall.jl.

In vscode, Is there a way to show snippets of functions (ex. plt.plot(), plt.xlabel …etc)
of python package when called by Julia code? Here’s my sample code.

using PythonCall
plt = pyimport(“matplotlib.pyplot”)
x = range(0; stop=2π, length=1000);
y = @. sin(3x + 4cos(2x));

myStyle = Dict(“fontname”=> “Times New Roman”, “fontsize”=> 15, “style”=>“italic”);
plt.plot(x, y, “k-”, linewidth = 1)
plt.title(“α > β”, fontdict = myStyle);
plt.xlabel(“x”, fontdict = myStyle);
plt.ylabel(“y”, fontdict = myStyle);