I don’t really when to use an Axis
vs indexing like fig[1,1]
. If I’m writing a function to make part of a plot, should I be passing it fig[1,1]
or an axis? should the function be making the axis and returning it?
From @jules:
fig[1, 1]
just refers to the position in the figure. You pass this to functions that create layoutables and your input argument decides where. For example, if you have a function that creates an axis and a colorbar and a legend, you can pass any nested position in the figure, for examplemake_objects(f[1:2, 3][2, 3])
You pass the axis if your plotting function just “plots”, so handles only functions like scatter! etc
My followup question:
I have some code that looks like this:
using AbstractPlotting, CairoMakie
function make_heatmap!(ax)
x = range(0,1; length=100)
y = 1:100
heatmap!(ax, x, y, rand(100,100))
function make_colorbar!(fig)
Colorbar(fig, width = 25)
function make_plot_below!(ax)
ax.height = 25
hidexdecorations!(ax; ticklabels=false, ticks=false, label=false)
on = sort!(rand(10))
off = [on[1:end-1] .+ diff(on) ./ 2; last(on)]
xs = Float32[]
for i in eachindex(on)
push!(xs, on[i])
push!(xs, off[i])
push!(xs, NaN)
ys = fill(0, length(xs))
lines!(ax, xs, ys)
function outer()
fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1])
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1])
linkxaxes!(ax1, ax2)
return fig
save("test.png", outer())
But I’d like to combine make_heatmap!
and make_colorbar!
into a single function. However, I’m not really sure how to do that, because it’s important that make_plot_below!
is directly below the heatmap, and not below, say, the heatmap and colorbar together. How do I do this?