I’m looking to solve two implicitly-defined nonlinear ODEs. The system diverges toward the final integration z=H, but in a way that I expect, T\sim1/(H-z) and u\sim\log(H-z), plus constants.
What I’m hoping to do is integrate the system to something close to 1 and subtract off this diverging behaviour from the solution to find the non-singular constants that remain.
The first equation depends only on dT/dz and z, while the second equation defines du/dz as a function of dTdz and z.
This is a MWE:
using DifferentialEquations, Sundials, ComponentArrays
function ddz!(res,dy,y,p,z)
Q = p.Q
T_z,U_z = dy
res[1] = Q*abs(Q) + z^2*(p.H-z) * T_z^2 * abs(1 - Q^2/((p.H-z)^2*T_z))^p.α
res[2] = U_z + (p.H-z)*T_z / Q
p = ComponentArray(Q=-0.5, α = 1.8, H = 1.)
dy0 = [3., 3.]
y0 = [1., 1.]
zspan = [0.01, p.H - 0.001]
prob1 = DAEProblem(ddz!, dy0, y0, zspan, p, differential_vars = [true,true])
I’m having two main problems:
Perhaps most problematic, my solution changes when I make (seemingly) innocuous changes to
. For example, the above example gives u(1 - 0.001)=8.37. However, if I multiply the last line of the function by a negative:
res[2] = - U_z - (p.H-z)*T_z / Q
I get u(1 - 0.001)=0.094. The results continue to change if I try to multiply the second equation byQ
or manipulate the first equation in any way.
This seems to stop happening for different linear_solver options, but I don’t know how to pick one. -
I think I need quite low tolerances. Increasing them to, say,
changes the finalu
. However, for different parameters in the full problem, I sometimes get convergence errors even for relatively high tolerances.
I was thinking this would all be improved with a manually defined jacobian, but I can’t get it to run.
function ddz_jac(J,du,u,p,gamma,z)
Q = p.Q
T_z,U_z = du
J[1,1] = gamma*z^2*(p.H-z) * (2*T_z + Q^2/(p.H-z)^2 * 2 * T_z / (T_z - Q^2/(p.H-z)^2)) * abs(1-Q^2/((p.H-z)^2*T_z))^2
J[1,2] = 0.
J[2,1] = gamma * (p.H-z) / Q
J[2,2] = gamma
DAE_F = DAEFunction(ddz!,jac = ddz_jac)
prob2 = DAEProblem(DAE_F, dy0, y0, zspan, p, differential_vars = [true,true])
Running solve(prob2,IDA())
gives me an error:
[IDAS ERROR] IDACalcIC Newton/Linesearch algorithm failed to converge.
And running solve(prob2,DFBDF())
type Nothing has no field α
, which I don’t understand in this context. I tried manually setting my exponent in the function and jacobian to a fixed number, and I still get this error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!