Importing symbols from submodule

I’d like to import symbols from a submodule without fully qualifying the module. Like this

import TestPackage.InnerMod
import InnerMod: inner_a # or import InnerMod.a

But that gives me ArgumentError: Package InnerMod not found in current path
Note that import TestPackage.InnerMod: inner_a works. But in some situations this can be quite verbose.

The following also fails.

import TestPackage as TP
import TP.InnerMod: inner_a # fails
import TP.InnerMod.inner_a  # fails

The alias TP is not a perfect standin for the full name.

I suppose I could write a macro. Maybe there is already a package to do this?
By the way, splitting the package into separate packages is not a good option in the cases I am thinking of.

Here is the file I used to do the tests above:

module TestPackage
module InnerMod
const inner_a = 2
end # module InnerMod
end # module TestPackage

I think you need a dot there:

julia> module TestPackage
       module InnerMod
       const inner_a = 2
       end # module InnerMod
       import .InnerMod: inner_a # note the dot
       end # module TestPackage

julia> TestPackage.inner_a
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That’s it!