I’m working on a project at the moment that involves many packages and modules, as well as many different files. I have a “setup.jl” file that adds all the packages (Pkg.add("Pkg_name"); using Pkg_name;
) and includes all the files (include("./filename")
). That way, I can simply start Julia and run the command include("setup.jl")
and I can use all of the code.
I however don’t like how I import packages. Essentially, I am using a try-catch system, where I try using Pkg_name
and the catch is Pkg.add("Pkg_name"); using Pkg_name
. I would like to call a function which would do that for me. That way, I wouldn’t have to write the try-catch for every package and I could simply write a for loop that goes through all the packages and imports them. The problem is with “using” because it uses a package identifier and I’m not sure how to convert a string (the package name) into a package identifier. I tried using $Pkg_name
, as well as using Symbol(Pkg_name)
but both do not work. Here is what I have in mind in a nutshell:
# Function to import packages
function use_pkg( pkg_name )
using pkg_name;
catch err;
using pkg_name;
# Defining list of packages to import
pkg_list = ["CSV", "Random", "Plots"]; # There would be more packages of course
# Importing all packages
for i = 1:length( pkg_list )
if !in( pkg_list[i], keys( Pkg.installed( ) ) )
use_pkg( pkg_list[i] );
Does anyone have any idea on how to do this?
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Julia Version 1.0.0
Commit 5d4eaca0c9 (2018-08-08 20:58 UTC)
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