Import CSV where the rows are separated by brackets


is there a simple way to import a csv file in which each row is separated by brackets?
My file looks like this:

[Energie in MeV, y_na, u_(y_na)]
[0.09760250284217108, 0.3514244536139464, 0.013170188213585452]
[0.09848979832255446, 0.3474758642474976, 0.013095989379697932]
[0.09937709380293783, 0.3504373062723342, 0.013151677750167054]
[0.1002643892833212, 0.3455015695642732, 0.013058731866422136]
[0.10115168476370458, 0.37462241614183334, 0.013597932236240064]
[0.10203898024408795, 0.3598152060176502, 0.013326489111764822]
[0.10292627572447133, 0.3627766480424868, 0.013381218250109532]
[0.1038135712048547, 0.36771238475054785, 0.013471939412801505]
[0.10470086668523806, 0.3509308799431403, 0.01316093623617834]
[0.10558816216562145, 0.3701802531045784, 0.013517071664556627]
[0.10647545764600481, 0.3435272748810487, 0.013021367750165762]
[0.10736275312638818, 0.36475094272571124, 0.01341758032325935]
[0.10825004860677157, 0.358828058676038, 0.013308196050139942]
[0.10913734408715493, 0.358828058676038, 0.013308196050139942]
[0.1100246395675383, 0.36425736905490513, 0.013408499049580585]

I tried this but I don’t know how to get rid of the brackets.

using CSV
using DataFrames"gamma_data.txt", DataFrame, normalizenames=true, type=Float64)

Thank you for your help and have a nice day.

I can’t think of an easy solution with just CSV. better to pre-process the file to remove [ and ] and then read in after