The composite quantile loss for a set of quantiles can be defined as
where p_j \in(0,1) denote the j-th quantile level/probability, y_i the i-th target/observation, and q_{ji} the p_j-quantile for the i-th sample. For a year or two I have been using the following implementations
# qt size: level, case
function qtloss(qt::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, prob::AbstractVector; agg = mean)
err = y .- qt' # case x level
agg( (prob' .- (err .< 0)) .* err )
function qtlossMax(qt::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractVector, prob::AbstractVector; agg = mean)
err = y .- qt'
agg( max.(prob' .* err, (prob' .- 1) .* err) )
where the former is slightly faster in my experience. Btw, are there better alternatives with respect to speed and memory usage?
Now I would like to extend this implementation to Flux “image” models with data dimensions WHCN. C would here be the level/probability dimension and the dimensions WHN the “i-summation”. Any suggestions would be appreciated, in particular for GPUs. Reducing to the 2D-case with permutedims/reshape could be one option, but …