Implement saturation of DAEs output using a combination of continuous and discrete callbacks


In a nutshell what I do is the following :

1- First I monitor the evolution of one output through a continuous callback and when it hits a limit value I saturate the derivative output by multiplying it by a boolean set to false .
2- Through a discrete callback that becomes active aftetwards, I compute(via interpolation) at each integration step the expected value at t+dt without saturation. If that value is below limit I deactivate the saturation.

My problem is that the value extrapolated when the saturation is deactivated does not evolve while it should. So I want to know if the integrator’s extrapolation is affected by the modification of the parameters it holds during a callback. Or what am I missing ?

There goes a reproducible example :

using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
H = 0.0371
ΔPe = 0.05
saturated = [false]
observer = [false]
p = (H, ΔPe, saturated)
#DAE definition
function system!(du, u, p, t)
    H, ΔPe, saturated = p
    du[1] = -5.0u[1] - 1.0u[5]
    du[2] = 0.0228532u[1] - 0.0263158u[2]
    du[3] = 0.789474u[1] + 6.0u[2] -2u[3]
    du[4] = (-0.263158u[1] -2.0u[2] +1.0u[3] - 1.0u[4] ) *!saturated[1]
    du[5] = (u[4] -ΔPe)/(2*H)
#Continuous Callback
function condition(u, t, integrator)
    u[4] - 0.06
function affect!(integrator)
    observer[1] = true
    integrator.p[3] .= true
    integrator.u[4] = 0.06
cb1 = ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!, nothing);
#Discrete Callback
function condition_(u, t, integrator)
function affect_!(integrator)#Check if the value is increasing without any limitation; if yes, continue to saturate
    integrator.p[3] .= false
    s_t = integrator.sol(integrator.t)
    s_tplus = integrator.sol(integrator.t+integrator.dt)#evaluate next value without saturation
    @show s_t[4], s_tplus[4]
    if s_tplus[4] < 0.06 #if under limit, deactivate saturation
        observer[1] = false
    elseif s_tplus[4] >= 0.06#if still above limit, maintain saturation
        integrator.p[3] .= true
cb2 = DiscreteCallback(condition_, affect_!)
cb = CallbackSet(cb1, cb2);
#DAE Solving
M = [1.0 0 0 0 0
     0 1.0 0 0 0
     0 0 1.0 0 0
     0 0 0 0 0
     0 0 0 0 1.0]
u0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
tspan = (0.0,30.0)
#with_logger(TerminalLogger()) do
prob = ODEProblem(ODEFunction(system!, mass_matrix = M),u0,tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob,Rodas5(), reltol = 1e-8, abstol = 1e-8, callback = cb)

This is the output from @show :

(s_t[4], s_tplus[4]) = (0.06, 0.06)
(s_t[4], s_tplus[4]) = (0.06, 0.06)
(s_t[4], s_tplus[4]) = (0.06, 0.06)
(s_t[4], s_tplus[4]) = (0.06, 0.06)

It is not.

Did you mean to interpolate between tprev and t?

Actually I am trying to extrapolate the value at t+dt (i.e. beyond the current integration interval). However I wanted to do it without the saturation being activated. That would require modifying the parameters inside integration.p before the interpolation

But what’s more strange is this : du[5] = (u[4] - ΔPe)/(2*H) and u[4] is constant and different from ΔPe. Consequently u[5] should follow a linear trend.
But the results show this :point_down:

My feeling is that somehow my actions are freezing the integrator…

Can you open an issue?

Sure !!!
Another information that could be of help (maybe…) is that when I remove the discrete callback and only consider the continuous one, I get the following error :

Warning: At t=1.722792175267728, dt was forced below floating point epsilon 2.220446049250313e-16, and step error estimate = 4041.2061747989337. Aborting. There is either an error in your model specification or the true solution is unstable (or the true solution can not be represented in the precision of Float64).

The solver seems to consider the discontinuity as an error while in the documentation it was said to be safe to modify the problem via the callbacks. Strange enough, chaining the continuous callback with the discrete one make the error vanish but the results are not what’s expected.