I have the impression that currently only one Julia package exists for the purpose of equivalent-circuit fitting, which is: EquivalentCircuits
And there some around in the Python world. One of them is impedancefitter.
What I like is its ability to facilitate the parameter estimation for arbitrary equivalent circuit models.
Unfortunately, the installation via:
using Conda; Conda.add("impedancefitter")
And a search under:
fails as well.
Is there a chance to get this package into operation under Julia?
I manged to use the package by means of PyCall under Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.3),
unfortunatly I failed to install it via [PythonCall](https://github.com/JuliaPy/PythonCall.jl/issues/245):
if Sys.iswindows()
dir_conda = raw"C:\Users\user_accout_name\.julia\Conda\3"
dir_conda = "/home/user_accout_name/.julia/conda/3"
ENV["CONDA_JL_HOME"] = dir_conda
using Conda; const Conda.ROOTENV = dir_conda
Conda.pip("uninstall", "impedancefitter")
Conda.pip("install", "impedancefitter")
import Pkg; Pkg.build("PyCall") # this will (re-)build as well "Conda"
exit() # restart julia
It might be that the configuration of CONDA_JL_HOME and Conda.ROOTENV can be omitted,
in my installation Conda.ROOTENV had a strange content.
If you need to configure both variables the folder dir_conda is the root folder of conda
which is part of your Julia installation.
The executables python and python3 should be located in the sub-folder “bin”
of that folder.
Sample Script:
And here a small sample script to plot the scheme of an equivalent circuit diagram: