I can’t find an analog for Matlab “imrotate” function.
Maybe I overlooked it, or really there isn’t such thing?
Here it is in Matlab, to save you clicking:
imrotate Rotate image.
B = imrotate(A,ANGLE) rotates image A by ANGLE degrees in a
counterclockwise direction around its center point. To rotate the image
clockwise, specify a negative value for ANGLE. imrotate makes the output
image B large enough to contain the entire rotated image. imrotate uses
nearest neighbor interpolation, setting the values of pixels in B that
are outside the rotated image to 0 (zero).
B = imrotate(A,ANGLE,METHOD) rotates image A, using the interpolation
method specified by METHOD. METHOD is a string that can have one of the
following values. The default value is enclosed in braces ({}).
{'nearest'} Nearest neighbor interpolation
'bilinear' Bilinear interpolation
'bicubic' Bicubic interpolation. Note: This interpolation
method can produce pixel values outside the original
B = imrotate(A,ANGLE,METHOD,BBOX) rotates image A, where BBOX specifies
the size of the output image B. BBOX is a text string that can have
either of the following values. The default value is enclosed in braces
{'loose'} Make output image B large enough to contain the
entire rotated image. B is generally larger than A.
'crop' Make output image B the same size as the input image
A, cropping the rotated image to fit.
You can read the new docstring here; not merged yet because, for something really robust, there’s work to do in Interpolations.jl, and I may not get to it instantly. But it should be good enough to get you started.
Great, the transform works, however i didn’t find how to extract correctly the central part in the resulting image. So I did it manually.
As I need only a rotation about center, I wrote the following helper to cut it shorter:
# rotate image "I" around its centre by "angle" [degrees]
# returns or "full" or "central" part of the rotated image
function imrotate(I,angle,spec::String="central")
tform = recenter(RotMatrix(angle/180*pi), center(I))
Irot = parent(warp(I,tform))
if (spec=="full")
elseif (spec=="central")
szX,szY = size(I)
Dx = Int64(round(szX/2))
Dy = Int64(round(szY/2))
x0 = Int64(round(center(Irot)[1]))
y0 = Int64(round(center(Irot)[2]))
Ifin = Irot[x0-Dx+1:x0-Dx+szX,y0-Dy+1:y0-Dy+szY]
Unsure if I understand your intend, by try if the following code does what you intend. Basically I assume you would like to rotate around the center of the original image and not expand it’s size in any direction
Hey @Evizero,I was looking for something exactly like this…last line doesn’t seem to work due to
UndefVarError: indices not defined
How to correct that??
If you’re trying out old code (prior to the release of Julia 1.0), download a copy of Julia 0.7 and try it there: it will give you helpful hints about what the new names are.