Image Rotation Algorithm for CUDA and Zygote


today I wanted to use a image rotation algorithm to rotate a 3D array around one dimension (so basically many 2D images).
For my applications it needs to be fast and also fully differentiable by Zygote.

I tried ImageTransformations.jl but the algorithms don’t play well with CUDA (some Interpolations.jl errors).
Consequently, I was looking for potential algorithms to implement:

I’m not totally sure how to achieve this because I’m not really familiar with CUDA (last week I bought the first GPU since my old AGP 8x :smiley:). I would be happy if some people could point me into relevant directions or algorithms.

Or does there even exist an Julia code offering a rotation?



As far as I know there is nothing out of the box with works with GPU and gradients. As rotations are just a special case of affine transformations, one could take the shot and port the grid sampler (docs, GPU source) and the affine grid generator from pytorch. This can handle arbitrary transformations and is used to build spatial transformer networks. However this is a lot of complex code and there must be a julian way to handle this much more elegantly, but I can’t think of any right now.

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Thanks for your answer!

In the meanwhile, I created a FFT based rotation algorithm for 3D arrays for a single special case.
It’s pretty fast (you need basically 6 fft(arr, [1]))) and also fast with Zygote (since the gradient of fft is known).

The code is not public at the moment, and there must be invested even more work to generalize it to for any rotation axis.

But if desired, I could post my special case code here.

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Yes, please! :slight_smile:

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I’ll try to boil it down to a 2D example. Should be easier to understand.

I am one of the co-authors of Larkin et al. that is mentioned in the link that you provided. My (unregistered) package Eigenbroetler.jl has a Julia implementation of the 2D algorithm. I’m sure it will need changing to suit your needs, but it’s there for you to look at and modify.


Here is the code for a 2D FFT based rotation.
fftpos is extracted from PhysicalOptics.jl and I copied it for simplicity.

I didn’t include it here, but it should work pretty much the same with CUDA (tested it last week).

using FFTW

function shear(arr, Δx)
	ĩ = 2
	c = eltype(arr)(2π * Δx)
	ϕ_1D_shift = c .* rfftfreq(size(arr)[ĩ], one(eltype(arr)))'
	ϕ_shift_strength = fftpos(one(eltype(arr)), size(arr)[2])
	ϕ_2D = exp.(1im .* ϕ_1D_shift .* ϕ_shift_strength)
	arr_ft = rfft(arr, [ĩ])
	return irfft(arr_ft .* ϕ_2D, size(arr)[ĩ], [ĩ])

function rotate(arr, θ)
	α = -tan(θ/2)
    β = sin(θ)
	arr = shear(arr, α * size(arr)[1])
	arr = permutedims(arr, (2,1))
	arr = shear(arr, β * size(arr)[1])
	arr = permutedims(arr, (2,1))
	arr = shear(arr, α * size(arr)[1])
	return arr

Here is a full Pluto example:

Full Example
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.12.19

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
        local el = $(esc(element))
        global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing

# ╔═╡ 7560fc84-6862-11eb-0f99-bfa76ae8a694
using Revise, FFTW, FFTResampling, TestImages, Colors, PlutoUI

# ╔═╡ 16e4aa72-6863-11eb-35ad-21c3ba47ebad
function fftpos(l, N)
    if N % 2 == 0
        dx = l / N
        return range(-l/2, l/2-dx, length=N)
        return range(-l/2, l/2, length=N) 

# ╔═╡ 79d641c0-6862-11eb-15db-77d9548980c1
function shear(arr, Δx)
	ĩ = 2
	c = eltype(arr)(2π * Δx)
	ϕ_1D_shift = c .* rfftfreq(size(arr)[ĩ], one(eltype(arr)))'
	ϕ_shift_strength = fftpos(one(eltype(arr)), size(arr)[2])
	ϕ_2D = exp.(1im .* ϕ_1D_shift .* ϕ_shift_strength)
	arr_ft = rfft(arr, [ĩ])
	return irfft(arr_ft .* ϕ_2D, size(arr)[ĩ], [ĩ])

# ╔═╡ 0323a81a-6864-11eb-1c5f-eb449060c54b
function rotate(arr, θ)
	α = -tan(θ/2)
    β = sin(θ)
	arr = shear(arr, α * size(arr)[1])
	arr = permutedims(arr, (2,1))
	arr = shear(arr, β * size(arr)[1])
	arr = permutedims(arr, (2,1))
	arr = shear(arr, α * size(arr)[1])
	return arr

# ╔═╡ 79b6251e-6862-11eb-0260-a71fc759825b
	img = Float32.(testimage("fabip_gray_256"))
	img_pad = FFTResampling.center_set!(zeros(eltype(img), (400, 400)), img)

# ╔═╡ 4c4f8fde-6866-11eb-3e26-1b5be5dfd4fa
$(@bind θ Slider(-180:180))

# ╔═╡ b20c01c8-6866-11eb-33c1-89d7c45484ed
img_s = rotate(img_pad, θ / 180 * π)

# ╔═╡ b4b405c6-6866-11eb-1b55-173146524f32

$ \theta= $ $(θ)°

# ╔═╡ 95d4846c-6863-11eb-11c5-5568bca3e754

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═7560fc84-6862-11eb-0f99-bfa76ae8a694
# ╠═16e4aa72-6863-11eb-35ad-21c3ba47ebad
# ╠═79d641c0-6862-11eb-15db-77d9548980c1
# ╠═0323a81a-6864-11eb-1c5f-eb449060c54b
# ╠═79b6251e-6862-11eb-0260-a71fc759825b
# ╠═b20c01c8-6866-11eb-33c1-89d7c45484ed
# ╠═4c4f8fde-6866-11eb-3e26-1b5be5dfd4fa
# ╠═b4b405c6-6866-11eb-1b55-173146524f32
# ╠═95d4846c-6863-11eb-11c5-5568bca3e754

Based on KernelAbstractions I finally pulled things together, and published DiffImageRotation.jl.

It works with CUDA and has a registered adjoint.
It’s going to be officially released in ~3 days.


Haven’t tested it out yet, but nice work, thanks! I have the feeling that this would perfectly fit into NNlib! I think your code would be highly valued there and used by a wider audience. Also a nearest neighbor version would be nice to rotate categorical masks.

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I see, ths also depends on KernelAbstractions.jl already.

I can try to ask what’s required. Not sure how I would handle the multidimensional case though (of course I can reduce always to 2D rotations) because KernelAbstractions does hard coded array indexing.

Now finally merged into NNlib.jl