I need help with getting a simple Deep QNetwork to learn

Hello everyone, I’m new to the Julialang and as a toy project to learn it I decided to try out a simple Deep Q Network as I’m actively playing with (Deep) Reinforcement learning and have implemented various algorithms in Python, starting with table based, through Q network, DDPG/TD3, SAC, MAPPO and so on.

Now I’m trying to do the same thing in Julia and am failing miserably, to the point I really need your help. Here’s what I did: I forked an old wrapper for the Python Gym package (formerly OpenAI Gym) providing simple interface to various toy environments to test out RL algorithms (this one). I’m trying to solve the CartPole-v1, really simple one.

I’ve then created a SARSA/Q-Learning table based agents and they sort of learned (on my own discretization of the environment, but not necessary for the neural net). Now I started to use Flux to implement a simple neural network with absolutely simple layout of Dense(4 => 8, gelu), Dense(8 => 2, identity). This tiny network is proved to work in python with tensorflow reliably. No matter the various RL parameters (e.g. the discount factor, epsilon as in “epsilon-greedy policy” etc.), within 1000 episodes I’m always getting to an average of 100+ rewards (using evaluation environment where the greedy action is always chosen, demonstrating the network’s capability without the added noise). Even 4 hidden neurons were able to work.

Just for reference, in Python I used the Adam optimizer with 0.1 learning rate (yes, this high, it works reliably), 0.99 discount factor, epsilon going from 0.8 to 0.1 withing 1000 episodes, default everything like weight initialization, the main network and the target network with target network update after every episode. But it’s not sensitive to the hyperparameters that much in this simple environment. Even with epsilon (exploration factor) fixed at 0.1 it learns, even with other target network updates it learns.

Now in Julia, I tried to absolutely copy-paste this setting and tried every possible combination of parameters but none of it works. The only difference is that in Python, I used gym version 0.26.1 and in Julia 0.11.0. However, through all my testing, the Gym is working properly and every method works as expected. The rest is the DQN code (I’m newbie, it really is a mess):
First the DQN itself:

using Projekt
using GymWrapper

using Flux
using CUDA
using StatsBase

import Projekt.train!

export DQNetwork

struct DQNetwork
    network # the network itself
    device # Device to run the network on
    optimiser # The optimiser state
    layers # The individual layers

    input_n::Int64 # Currently no support for CNNs
    action_space::Vector{Int64} # to utilize for random action sampling
    action_n::Int64 # just a helper field for quick access

    discount_factor::Float64 # the discount factor as per the Value / Policy iteration
    learning_rate::Float64 # Training LR

    function DQNetwork(observation_n, action_space; hidden_layer_size::Int64 = 32, hidden_layer_num::Int64 = 1, 
                        discount_factor::Float64 = 0.99, learning_rate::Float64 = 0.01, use_cuda::Bool = false)
        (discount_factor <= 1.0 && discount_factor > 0) || error("Discount factor must be a float from the range (0, 1>!")
        learning_rate > 0 || error("The learning rate must be positive real number!")

        input_n = observation_n
        action_space_n = length(action_space)

        device = cpu
        if use_cuda && CUDA.functional()
            device = gpu

        # Build the model...
        layers = []
        push!(layers, Dense(input_n => hidden_layer_size, gelu; init=Flux.glorot_uniform) |> device)
        for i ∈ 1:hidden_layer_num
            if i == hidden_layer_num
                push!(layers, Dense(hidden_layer_size => action_space_n, identity; init=Flux.glorot_uniform) |> device)
                push!(layers, Dense(hidden_layer_size => hidden_layer_size, gelu; init=Flux.glorot_uniform) |> device)
        #model(x) = foldl((in, out) -> out(in), layers, init = x)
        model = Chain(layers) |> device
        optimiser = Flux.setup(Adam(learning_rate), model)

        new(model, device, optimiser, layers, input_n, action_space.items, action_space_n, discount_factor, learning_rate)

function predict_values(agent::DQNetwork, observations)
    agent.network(Flux.batch(observations) |> agent.device)

function predict_values(agent::DQNetwork, observation::Vector{Float64})
    agent.network(Flux.batch([observation]) |> agent.device)[:, 1]

# choose epsilon-greedy action (i.e. with probability of epsilon, choose random action; otherwise choose the greedy action)
function choose_action(agent::DQNetwork, observation; epsilon::Float64 = 0.)   
    if rand() < epsilon
        return rand(agent.action_space) + 1 # action_space is from Python so we convert it to the Julia 1-indexing realm
    predicted_values = predict_values(agent, observation)
    return argmax(predicted_values)

# Train the network on a batch of single examples (BATCH IS THE LAST DIMENSION)
function train_on_sample!(agent::DQNetwork, observations::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, values::Vector{Vector{Float64}})

    observations_batch = Flux.batch(observations) |> agent.device
    values = Flux.batch(values) |> agent.device

    # Calculate the gradient of the objective
    # with respect to the parameters within the model:
    grads = Flux.withgradient(agent.network) do net
        predicted_values = net(observations_batch)
        loss = mean((predicted_values - values) .^ 2)
    # Update the parameters so as to reduce the objective,
    # according the chosen optimisation rule:
    Flux.Optimise.update!(agent.optimiser, agent.network, grads.grad[1])
    return grads.val
#unzip(a) = map(x->getfield.(a, x), fieldnames(eltype(a))) # proudly copy-pasted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/53645744
unzip(a) = [getindex.(a, i) for i in 1:length(a[1])]

function train!(agent::DQNetwork, target_agent::DQNetwork, env::E, eval_env::E; batch_size=32, episodes=100, target_update_frequency=20, should_render=false, render_each=100, 
                epsilon_init=1., epsilon_final=.1, epsilon_final_at=1000, close_env=false, quiet=false, eval_episodes=100) where {E <: GymWrapper.AbstractEnvironment}
    (epsilon_init <= 1.0 && epsilon_init >= 0) && (epsilon_final <= 1.0 && epsilon_final >= 0) || error("The epsilon is a probability and thus must be from the range <0, 1>!")
    eps = epsilon_init

    replay_buffer = [] # state(Vector), action(Int), reward(Float), done(Bool), next_state(Vector)

    returns = zeros(100)
    avg_return = 0
    action_n = agent.action_n
    values = [zeros(action_n) for i in 1:batch_size]

    for i ∈ 1:episodes
        T = R = 0
        s = Array(GymWrapper.reset!(env))
        while !GymWrapper.finished(env)
            if should_render && i % render_each == 0
            action = choose_action(agent, s; epsilon=eps)

            r, s′ = GymWrapper.step!(env, action - 1) # zero index cuz it's Python callback
            s′ = Array(s′)
            done = GymWrapper.finished(env)
            push!(replay_buffer, (s, action, r, done, s′))

            s = s′

            R += r
            T += 1
            if length(replay_buffer) >= batch_size 
                batch = sample(replay_buffer, batch_size)
                states, actions, rewards, dones, next_states = unzip(batch)

                predicted_values = predict_values(target_agent, next_states) |> cpu
                next_values = vec(rewards) .+ (1 .- vec(dones)) .* agent.discount_factor .* vec(maximum(predicted_values, dims=1))

                for b ∈ 1:batch_size
                    a_rb = actions[b]
                    for a ∈ 1:action_n
                        values[b][a] = ifelse(a_rb == a, next_values[b], predicted_values[a, b])

                loss = train_on_sample!(agent, Vector{Vector{Float64}}(states), values)
        if i % target_update_frequency == 0
            Flux.loadmodel!(target_agent.network, agent.network)

        if i <= epsilon_final_at
            eps = lerp(epsilon_init, epsilon_final, i / epsilon_final_at)
        returns[(i - 1) % 100 + 1] = R
        if i % 100 == 0
            avg_return = mean(returns)
            if !quiet
                @info("Episode $i finished after $T steps. Avg. reward per last 100 episodes: $avg_return. Epsilon: $eps")

            eval_returns = zeros(eval_episodes)
            for e ∈ 1:eval_episodes
                R = 0
                s = GymWrapper.reset!(eval_env)
                while !GymWrapper.finished(eval_env)
                    r, s′ = GymWrapper.step!(eval_env, choose_action(agent, s) - 1)
                    R += r
                    s = s′
                eval_returns[(e - 1) % 100 + 1] = R

            @info("Avg. eval return: " * string(mean(eval_returns)))


    if close_env

    return avg_return

Now the test script:

using Revise
using Projekt
using GymWrapper
using Flux

env = GymEnv(:CartPole, :v1)
eval_env = GymEnv(:CartPole, :v1)

action_space = actions(env)
observation_space = observations(env)

agent = DQNetwork(length(observation_space.lo), action_space; hidden_layer_size = 8, hidden_layer_num = 1, discount_factor = 0.99, learning_rate = 0.1, use_cuda = false)
target_agent = DQNetwork(length(observation_space.lo), action_space; hidden_layer_size = 8, hidden_layer_num = 1, discount_factor = 0.99, learning_rate = 0.1, use_cuda = false)
Flux.loadmodel!(target_agent.network, agent.network)

train!(agent, target_agent, env, eval_env; target_update_frequency=20,  batch_size=32, episodes=10000, should_render=false, render_each=1000, epsilon_init=.8, epsilon_final=.1, epsilon_final_at=1000, close_env=true, quiet=false)

Got it. I had a mistake in how I filled the ‘values’. In the line with ‘ifelse’, in the else part I shouldn’t have used the values predicted for the next_state but rather for the current state! Stupid mistake. Fixed. Mistake not Julia related.

This is a perfect example of Cat Debugging. This was taught to me by Jenifer Haselgrove 40 years ago. If you have a problem, settle down and explain it to your cat. Cats are very wise, and will often suggest the answer to the problem.

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