I have some nice custom prinitng of an array, but I want to configure the operatio

I have some nice custom prinitng of an array, but I want to configure the operation Base.print_matrix(IOContext(io, :compact => true, :limit => true), A) so that it takes less rows that the fully available rows of the console. Specifically, I do

function Base.show(io::IO, A::ClimArray)
    summary(io, A)
    print(io, "and")
    printstyled(io, " data: "; color=:green)
    dataA = data(A)
    print(io, summary(dataA), "\n")
    call_the_matrix_show_function(io, data(A))

and I want to measure how many rows the printing before calling the matrix print takes, and subtract that from the matrix printing. Any help on how I can do this?

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Hi I posted this! I wish I could have chosen my opening sentence better! :smiley:

Further more, the > should be replaced by true. I simply call Base.print_matrix(IOContext(io, :compact => true, :limit => true), A).