I can't open the notebooks via IJulia

I observed a similar problem recently, apparently due to a conflict between the Jupyter (actually Tornado IIRC) and Python versions on Windows in the latest Anaconda (Tornado’s code was using an asyncio feature from Python 3.8). Separately, there was a Windows path problem in IJulia’s notebook() function that was fixed over the weekend.

Try the following things:

  1. Just do pkg> update, restart Julia, and try again with IJulia.notebook().

  2. Do pkg> add Conda and then julia> import Conda; Conda.update(), and try again with IJulia.notebook(), in hopes that Anaconda has fixed this problem.

  3. Do julia> import Conda; Conda.add("python=3.8"), and try again with IJulia.notebook(). This fixed the problem for me last night.

Update: should be fixed by unpin Anaconda on Windows by stevengj · Pull Request #170 · JuliaPy/Conda.jl · GitHub once this is merged and tagged. The problem was that Conda.jl was pinning Python at 3.6 to fix an issue a couple of years ago, and we forgot to unpin it.