I am probably missing something very obvious. Can someone help me understand this?

I am probably missing something very obvious. Can someone help me understand this?

foo_string = "foo"
foo_dict = Dict("f"=>0, "o"=>0)


haskey(foo_dict, "f")

returns: true

but why does

for char in foo_string
    print(char, " ", haskey(foo_dict, char))

returns this?

f false
o false
o false

What is a Julian way to check if a character in a string is in a dictionary key?

Thanks in advance.

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julia> foo_string = "foo"

julia> foo_dict = Dict("f"=>0, "o"=>0)
Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
  "f" => 0
  "o" => 0

julia> for char in foo_string
         println("variable has type ",typeof(char))
variable has type Char
variable has type Char
variable has type Char

julia> haskey(foo_dict,'f')

julia> typeof('f')

# But if we do this instead

julia> haskey(foo_dict,"f")

julia> typeof("f")

julia> for char in foo_string
         println(  char, " ", haskey(foo_dict, "$char")  )
f true
o true
o true
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