How should I print data in Julia so that
- the output contains all the information (full precision for floats, type information for literals, etc),
- the output is plain text.
Eg with show
, type information and precision is lost:
julia> d = Dict(:a => √2, :b => fill(1/3, 3), :c => 1f0)
Dict{Symbol,Any} with 3 entries:
:c => 1.0
:a => 1.41421
:b => [0.333333,0.333333,0.333333]
while serialize
does preserve everything, but is not plain text. I would be satisfied with something that handles everything but functions/closures.
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Accidently I think I have an answer for you… just messed up with it a little bit myself.
So digging through the julia base I think this is what you are looking for:
sprintf_exact(x) = sprint(0,print,x; env = (:compact => false))
for your simple example it works.
lets validate it:
julia> d = Dict(:a => √2, :b => fill(1/3, 3), :c => 1f0);
julia> f = eval(parse(sprintf_exact(d)));
julia> f === d
julia> f == d
Thanks. I think that adding this as print_parseable
or something similar would be worthwhile, but I need to understand Julia’s printing system in depth before opening an issue.
print is already parsable … I think it is by design.
to get full precision in print use:
print(IOContext(STDOUT;compact = false) , 1/3)
if you are not worried about precision then sprintf_exact boils down to
I believe repr(x)
(equivalent to sprint(showall, x)
) and showall(x)
are closer to what you want.
To revive this topic: I have been using
showfull(io, x) = show(IOContext(io; compact = false, limit = false), x)
showfull(x) = showfull(STDOUT, x)
for a while. Would inclusion in Base
make sense?
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