Where can I find a simple example of a HTTP.jl backend server and a HTML+Javascript FE?
I want to learn to communicate between Javascript and Julia for a simple app. Example: I would like to create a html input which takes a number x
, uses Ajax to send the number to the Julia backend and then returns x^2
in another html text, so I need to both serve and listen. The examples from HTTP.jl github page are separated between serve and listen.
I would like to do this barebones, without the aid of other frameworks like Genie or Dash.
Thank you very much for your fast reply! Let’s say I save the html/javascript part to an index.html
file. How can I serve that page? The example I used was:
HTTP.serve() do request::HTTP.Request
return HTTP.Response(200, read(raw"C:\myapp\index.html"))
catch e
return HTTP.Response(404, "Error: $e")
But I don’t know how to adapt your example to that.
Thank you once more for your support!
Register another route for GET /index.html, and the routed function will return the html content.
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It worked! Thanks! The code:
using HTTP, JSON
const ROUTER = HTTP.Router()
function square(req::HTTP.Request)
headers = [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "POST, OPTIONS"
# handle CORS requests
if HTTP.method(req) == "OPTIONS"
return HTTP.Response(200, headers)
body = parse(Float64, String(HTTP.body(req)))
square = body^2
HTTP.Response(200, headers; body = string(square))
function render(req::HTTP.Request)
HTTP.Response(200, read(raw"C:\index2.html"))
HTTP.@register(ROUTER, "POST", "/api/square", square)
HTTP.@register(ROUTER, "GET", "/index2.html", render)
HTTP.serve(ROUTER, "", 8080)
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