I would like to make an interactive plot with GLMakie. There are some instances when the ODEs generate instability. I would like to plot a label “INSTABILITY DETECTED” in the plot itself when instability occurs.
I understand this can be achieved with sol.retcode
but what would be the implementation?
I should set an observable for retcode, then some text that can be written and deleted on the plot when needed.
I could not find an example of an instable ODE and the instability comes out only some times, so it is difficult to provide a working example.
Thank you
You would just check SciMLBase.successful_retcode(sol) or sol.retcode and throw a message based on the returned enum
Thank you, I wrote something along this line:
data = lift(p_mod) do p_new
prob = ODEProblem(odeSolver!, u0, tspan, parms)
return solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), p = p_new, saveat = R)
test_instability = sol.retcode
if test_instability
text!(fig, position = Point2f( 20, 0), "Instability detected", fontsize = 30)
Would that be enough? The code works without error but I am unsure if I am hitting an instability given that I got
Warning: At t=0.0, dt was forced below floating point epsilon 5.0e-324, and step error estimate = NaN. Aborting. There is either an error in your model specification or the true solution is unstable (or the true solution can not be represented in the precision of Float64).
No, if sol.retcode doesn’t mean anything because the return is not a Boolean. Read my previous post