How to use my CPU's

Use @time_imports.

It sounds like you would want to do

@time_imports using MSEP

Here’s what I get when I do @time_imports using DataFrames, Distributions, FastGaussQuadrature, Gadfly, MixedModels, NamedArrays, QuadGK, StatsFuns, LinearAlgebra

julia> @time_imports using DataFrames, Distributions, FastGaussQuadrature, Gadfly, MixedModels, NamedArrays, QuadGK, StatsFuns, LinearAlgebra
      0.4 ms  Reexport
      0.5 ms  Compat
     15.6 ms  OrderedCollections
    112.8 ms  DataStructures
      0.5 ms  SortingAlgorithms
      1.6 ms  DataAPI
     30.0 ms  PooledArrays
     13.7 ms  Missings
      3.8 ms  InvertedIndices
      0.1 ms  IteratorInterfaceExtensions
      0.1 ms  TableTraits
      0.8 ms  Formatting
      0.1 ms  DataValueInterfaces
     22.6 ms  Tables
    110.8 ms  Crayons
    258.0 ms  PrettyTables
   2382.4 ms  DataFrames
      5.1 ms  DocStringExtensions 54.96% compilation time
    133.9 ms  ChainRulesCore
      1.0 ms  ChangesOfVariables
      1.1 ms  InverseFunctions
     10.7 ms  IrrationalConstants
      1.1 ms  LogExpFunctions
      0.4 ms  StatsAPI
     36.8 ms  StatsBase
     40.3 ms  PDMats
      0.2 ms  OpenLibm_jll
     30.0 ms  Preferences
      0.5 ms  JLLWrappers
      0.3 ms  CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
      4.0 ms  OpenSpecFun_jll 82.06% compilation time
     26.8 ms  SpecialFunctions
      0.6 ms  Rmath_jll
    258.8 ms  Rmath 39.58% compilation time
      0.5 ms  NaNMath
      3.2 ms  Calculus
     64.8 ms  DualNumbers
      1.4 ms  HypergeometricFunctions
      9.0 ms  StatsFuns
      4.4 ms  QuadGK
    356.4 ms  FillArrays
      2.2 ms  DensityInterface
    415.0 ms  Distributions
      4.2 ms  StaticArraysCore
   1736.3 ms  StaticArrays
      0.9 ms  FastGaussQuadrature
    223.3 ms  FixedPointNumbers
    154.2 ms  ColorTypes 5.07% compilation time
    947.5 ms  Colors
     59.7 ms  IterTools
     11.8 ms  Measures
      0.3 ms  Requires
    284.6 ms  Parsers 3.43% compilation time
     41.2 ms  JSON
     85.0 ms  Compose 22.12% compilation time (9% recompilation)
      0.2 ms  Showoff
      5.2 ms  IndirectArrays
   2709.2 ms  CategoricalArrays 91.78% compilation time (96% recompilation)
      4.9 ms  Hexagons
      3.0 ms  Contour
      8.8 ms  Distances
      1.8 ms  Loess
      3.4 ms  CoupledFields
     14.2 ms  WoodburyMatrices
     59.8 ms  Ratios 51.20% compilation time
      0.3 ms  AxisAlgorithms
      0.3 ms  Adapt
    272.2 ms  OffsetArrays
     79.0 ms  Interpolations 14.21% compilation time
     19.1 ms  AbstractFFTs
    474.6 ms  FFTW_jll 99.76% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    819.9 ms  FFTW 4.52% compilation time
      3.7 ms  KernelDensity
    570.2 ms  Gadfly 42.64% compilation time (16% recompilation)
    558.5 ms  SentinelArrays 19.96% compilation time
    376.6 ms  Lz4_jll 99.80% compilation time (100% recompilation)
      4.0 ms  TranscodingStreams
     15.1 ms  CodecLz4
      0.6 ms  Zstd_jll
      9.3 ms  CEnum
     12.9 ms  CodecZstd
      0.3 ms  Scratch
    251.3 ms  RecipesBase
     29.3 ms  InlineStrings
      0.4 ms  ExprTools
      2.1 ms  Mocking
    901.8 ms  TimeZones 52.72% compilation time
     59.9 ms  BitIntegers
      5.6 ms  ArrowTypes
    353.1 ms  Arrow 69.39% compilation time
      4.7 ms  ShiftedArrays
     18.7 ms  StatsModels
      8.4 ms  GLM
     21.6 ms  StructTypes
     19.4 ms  JSON3
      2.1 ms  MathProgBase
    460.4 ms  NLopt_jll 99.85% compilation time (100% recompilation)
    792.2 ms  MutableArithmetics
      6.7 ms  BenchmarkTools
      1.0 ms  DiffRules
      6.4 ms  DiffResults
    253.9 ms  MacroTools
      0.6 ms  CommonSubexpressions
    419.2 ms  ForwardDiff
      0.6 ms  Bzip2_jll
      1.8 ms  CodecBzip2
      0.2 ms  Zlib_jll
      3.1 ms  CodecZlib
   8328.0 ms  MathOptInterface
    333.9 ms  NLopt
      9.9 ms  ProgressMeter
   3115.1 ms  MixedModels
     13.7 ms  Combinatorics
    119.7 ms  NamedArrays 9.60% compilation time
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