How to use local, relative modules (best practice, simple)?

Thank you for this tipp!

Why doesn’t this work though, when there is a Project.toml file inside testproj project folder (I had added one before)? With same steps and existent file, it results in:

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Helper not found in current path: Run import Pkg; Pkg.add("Helper") to install the Helper package.

One other thing: Shoudn’t it be sufficient to just specify --project argument to make modules available via JULIA_LOAD_PATH? Like

cd /path/to/testproj
julia --project=. main.jl

According to LOAD_PATH docs:

it defaults to ["@", "@v#.#", "@stdlib"]

@ refers to the “current active environment”, the initial value of which is initially determined by the JULIA_PROJECT environment variable or the --project command-line option.

Unfortunately, this does not work and JULIA_LOAD_PATH needs to be set manually.

Some more references: