How to understand interface requirements of standard library

Concrete problem: I have a ConcreteVector implementing AbstractVector with some Base. methods. Calling Base.vcat returns a Vector, but I would like it to return a ConcreteVector. So either I’m missing some necessary methods or I have to implement Base.vcat myself for this type or I have to do a conversion. Is there other documentation besides Arrays · The Julia Language?

Abstract problem: in general I don’t have a clue where to start with this kind of problems besides maybe debugging the standard library.

How do you solve similar problems?

you probably need to post some code for this to be answer-able

The code

struct ConcreteVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T}

Base.size(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = size(v.vector)
Base.copy(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = ConcreteVector{T}(copy(v.vector))

Base.push!(v::ConcreteVector{T}, t::T) where T = push!(v.vector, t)

Base.getindex(v::ConcreteVector{T}, i::Int) where T = getindex(v.vector, i)

Base.empty!(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = empty!(v.vector)

Base.iterate(v::ConcreteVector{T}, state) where T =
    iterate(v.vector, state)
Base.iterate(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T =

v = ConcreteVector{Int}(Vector{Int}())
push!(v, 1)
vcat(v, 2)


2-element Vector{Int64}:

you should just use Vector, btw some of these are not quite right:

Base.empty!(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = begin empty!(v.vector); return v end

Base.push!(v::ConcreteVector{T}, t::T) where T = begin push!(v.vector, t); return v end

In this artificial case I would suggest defining:

julia> Base.vcat(v::T, x...) where T<:ConcreteVector = T(vcat(v.vector, x...))

julia> vcat(v, 2)
2-element ConcreteVector{Int64}:

# you might want to make `eltype` promotion happen
julia> Base.vcat(xs::T...) where T<:ConcreteVector = T(mapreduce(e->e.vector, vcat, xs))

julia> vcat(v, v)
2-element ConcreteVector{Int64}:

Hi Jerry, thanks for your help.

you should just use Vector

This is just a simplification for demonstration purposes.

julia> Base.vcat(v::T, x...) where T<:ConcreteVector = T(vcat(v.vector, x...))

This is what I feared: it would mean implementing every method in the standard library usable for AbstractVectors. How many might that be?

just implement enough to pass your unit tests, and your unit tests should reflect how your vector can be used.

the alternative is to have a formal interface and then put 50% junk as filler. I’d rather have this duck-interfacing, very practical.

also checkout: GitHub - JuliaArrays/ArrayInterface.jl: Designs for new Base array interface primitives, used widely through scientific machine learning (SciML) and other organizations

So I started digging into the library. Here is cat_t from abstractarray.jl

@inline cat_t(::Type{T}, X...; dims) where {T} = _cat_t(dims, T, X...)
@inline function _cat_t(dims, ::Type{T}, X...) where {T}
    catdims = dims2cat(dims)
    shape = cat_size_shape(catdims, X...)
    A = cat_similar(X[1], T, shape)
    if count(!iszero, catdims)::Int > 1
        fill!(A, zero(T))
    return __cat(A, shape, catdims, X...)

It hints to

cat_similar(A, ::Type{T}, shape) where T = Array{T}(undef, shape)
cat_similar(A::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}, shape) where T = similar(A, T, shape)

So implementing similar (resolving some ambiguities) and setindex! we get

struct ConcreteVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T}

Base.size(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = size(v.vector)
Base.copy(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = ConcreteVector{T}(copy(v.vector))
Base.similar(v::ConcreteVector, ::Type{T}, dims::Tuple{Int64}) where T =
    ConcreteVector{T}(Vector{T}(undef, dims[1]))

Base.push!(v::ConcreteVector{T}, t::T) where T = push!(v.vector, t)

Base.getindex(v::ConcreteVector{T}, i::Int) where T = getindex(v.vector, i)
Base.setindex!(v::ConcreteVector{T}, t::T, i::Int) where T = setindex!(v.vector, t, i)

Base.empty!(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T = empty!(v.vector)

Base.iterate(v::ConcreteVector{T}, state) where T =
    iterate(v.vector, state)
Base.iterate(v::ConcreteVector{T}) where T =

v = ConcreteVector{Int}(Vector{Int}())
push!(v, 1)
v = vcat(v, 2)

resulting in


So if noone has a better idea it seems stepping into the standard library is the way to go.

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these are documented, setindex!() was a oversight on my part, not sure if it’s easier or harder than look at the base.

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Good point!

I mostly ignored the optional methods and simply didn’t connect vcat and similar.