Defining new types may be a bit of an overkill for this problem if it does not repeat a few times. Here is another function with some ‘functional’ approach:
function make_fg_plot()
f(x) = sin(x^2) + cos(2x) - 6
g(x) = sin(x^2) + cos(2x)
yshift = y -> y + 5
yreflection = y -> -y
ytransform = yshift ∘ yreflection
plt = plot(; ylims = (-8, 15), legend = :topleft)
for (T, attrs) in [(identity, (;label = "", linecolor = :green)),
(ytransform, (;label = "", linecolor = :red))]
plot!(plt, T ∘ f, 2, 4; attrs...)
plot!(plt, T ∘ g, 2, 4; attrs...)
plot!(plt, [2, 2], T.([f(2), g(2)]); attrs...)
plot!(plt, [4, 4], T.([f(4), g(4)]); attrs...)
return plt
This function returns the plt object and may be called from REPL or displayed otherwise.
I like this approach. It’s not even really specific to the y-axis, and using built-in partial application types makes it play nice with things like InverseFunctions.jl:
shift(ν) = Base.Fix1(+, ν)
shift(5) ∘ f # y-up-shift
f ∘ shift(2) # x-left-shift
When I ran the function, it didn’t have all the colors (because of the attr... bit). So there is an odd discrepancy. Maybe it’s a version issue. Weird.