How to test package with different sets of test dependencies

Suppose for various reasons I want to test a package with two different test/Project.toml’s. These will have different packages / compat bounds and my single runtests.jl is conditional on which dependencies are loaded.

Is there any streamlined / recommended way to do this? Both locally and for GitHub actions? Thanks for any suggestions.

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Not quite everything you need but I think this needs to be mentioned here:

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Thanks thats a really interesting package I didnt know about. As it happens this is not the motivation here (which instead has to do with testing two extension modules whose dependencies are mutually incompatible), but the case this covers of wanting to a “latest” and “oldest” version of things is definitely another one which would lead to my question.


Bumping this question cause I’m interested in the general answer as well, for the purposes of DifferentiationInterface.jl. I’m testing that package with a dozen different autodiff backends, and ideally I’d wanna do that separately to minimize the risk of incompatibilities when putting them all together