How to take values from imgui inputs?

Hi, I want to use some values from imgui inputs:

CImGui.Begin("Pop-up menu")
    CImGui.Button("Stacked modals..") && CImGui.OpenPopup("Stacked 1")
        if CImGui.BeginPopupModal("Stacked 1", C_NULL, CImGui.ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar)
          @cstatic f0=Cfloat(0.001) d0=Cdouble(999999.00000001) f1=Cfloat(1.e10) begin
            @c CImGui.InputFloat("input float", &f0, 0.01, 1.0, "%.3f")
            @c CImGui.InputDouble("input double", &d0, 0.01, 1.0, "%.8f")
            @c CImGui.InputFloat("input scientific", &f1, 0.0, 0.0, "%e")
          @cstatic vec4a=Cfloat[0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.44] CImGui.InputFloat3("input float3", vec4a)

          if CImGui.Button("Show inputted value")

            CImGui.Button("Close") && CImGui.CloseCurrentPopup()

I coppied some line from demo examples and I want to use values from input. For example, when I click Button I want to get this value to use it in other part of program.

Ok, I got it. If someone look for it:

@cstatic f0=Cfloat(0.001) d0=Cdouble(999999.00000001) f1=Cfloat(1.e10) begin # names of declared variables 
            @c CImGui.InputFloat("input float", &f0, 0.01, 1.0, "%.3f")
            @c CImGui.InputDouble("input double", &d0, 0.01, 1.0, "%.8f")
            @c CImGui.InputFloat("input scientific", &f1, 0.0, 0.0, "%e")
            CImGui.Button("Button") && (println(f0)) # using with button by using AND(&&) operator