How to start writing a new Julia package?

Did you make sure you did using OtherPackage in the module?

I don’t think it matters, but it shouldn’t have the .jl extension.

It needs to be in your load path. I think there is a way to change it but I’m not sure.

Is there a repo that I can look at? I am sure this would be much easier if I could see what it looks like right now.

@Tero_Frondelius: I tried that one too. My account has 2FA enabled. It did not work as intended. Thanks.

Here it is:


I have a WIP pull request to automate a lot of pckage generation/documentation setup here:

@bramtayl: Thanks. Do I need to do anything besides installing Documenter.jl?

To use the pull request, you’d need to check out my branch then run Documenter.generate. It would be actually a great help, especially if you want to contribute! It automates a lot, but not all, steps. What operating system are you on?

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I am using Windows. Thanks.