How to stack up multiple 3-dimension matrices into one?

For example, I could have 10 Matrices like the below (A) stored in 10 NetCDF files:

A = rand(5, 3, 2);

My goal is to read them all out and stack them up into a new matrix B with the size of size(B) = (5, 3, 20).

I tried the below:

B = fill(NaN, 5, 3, 0);
for i in 1:10
# read A out of a NetCDF file
B = vcat(B, A);

Unfortunately, I got the below error:
DimensionMismatch("mismatch in dimension 3 (expected 0 got 2)")

I wonder what is the best way to do so?

In Julia v1.7 you can use repeated ; to concatenate on higher dimensions:

[A; A] # first dimension
[A;; A] # second dimension
[A;;; A] # third dimension

Notice that vcat and hcat are the verbose versions of [A; A] and [A A].


Thanks! Unfortunately, that will give me the same error.

I think I’m able to figure it out now:
B = cat(B, A, dims=3);

You shouldn’t be rewriting the content of the variable B in a loop. Try to write it in terms of a reduce or mapreduce instead. It will be cleaner and more efficient. in general.

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This is a nitpick, but it may confuse some (maybe it has confused you as well): a matrix is a 2-dimensional array. 3d arrays are not matrices.

(I was going to add a reference, but, depressingly, in the first three pages of Google hits for “matrix”, there were zero results referring to linear algebra…)


Many thanks.

Would you mind elaborating on how to use reduce?

I’m able to find the documentation but can not make it work:{Any,%20Any}

Something like the below?
B = reduce(cat, [B, A], dims=3)?

You should use an anonymous function

reduce((x, y) -> cat(x, y; dims = 3), vec)
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It works.

Many thanks!

You could also do (example for 5 input arrays):

B = cat(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, dims=3)

# or:
A = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
B = cat(A..., dims=3)
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