How to specify point vs fill for Geom.point in Gadfly?

In the gallery example here we have:

using Gadfly, RDatasets
set_default_plot_size(21cm, 8cm)
p1 = plot(dataset("MASS", "mammals"), x="Body", y="Brain", label=1,
     Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10, Geom.point, Geom.label)
p2 = plot(dataset("MASS", "mammals"), x="Body", y="Brain", label=1,
     Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10, Geom.label(position=:centered))

Which generates (zoomed in):


How do I change the color of the white outline around the points (or at least make it the same as fill[blue])?

This option does not plot the outline around the points: Geom.beeswarm

If you’re just looking to hide the white outline, you can use Theme or style with highlight_width=0mm: docs. Hiding the outline plus making the points a bit bigger should produce the same result as making the highlight color match the point color, right?

I’m not sure how to change the highlight color, sorry.

@mkarikom, changing the alpha parameter in code below, allows varying from transparent point filling to opaque, continuously. Indicated also parameters for point size and color.

p1 = plot(dataset("MASS", "mammals"), x="Body", y="Brain", label=1,
     Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10, Geom.point, Geom.label,
     Theme(discrete_highlight_color = identity, point_size = 3pt,
           point_shapes=[], alphas=[0.3], default_color="darkgreen") )

alpha = 0.3:

alpha = 1.0:

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