I searched this forum and the web for the Julia equivalent of extent
in matplotlib.pyplot.imshow:
plt.imshow(M, origin="lower", extent=[a, b, c, d])
but I couldn’t find any reference. I need this feature for plotting complex functions on a given rectangle in the complex plane:
using Images, ImageTransformations
function perfract(x, t, m=0.7, M=1)
x = x / t
return m + (M-m) * (x-floor(x))
function domcol(w; n=10)
logm = log.(abs.(w)) # for lines of constant modulus
H = angle.(w)*180/π #compute argument of w within interval [-180, 180], iei the Hue
V = perfract.(logm, 2π/n) # lines of constant log-modulus
arr = permutedims(cat(H, ones(size(H)), V, dims=3), [3,1,2]) #HSV-array
return RGB.(colorview(HSV, arr[:, end:-1:1,:]))
f = z->z^2*tan(z)
x = -5π/4:0.005:5π/4
y = -2.5:0.005:2.5
w = [f(u+1im*v) for v in y, u in x]
img = domcol(w; n=13)
imgn = imresize(img, ratio=1/4)