How to set the same uniform units for all axes in 3D surface plot using Plots.jl?

I want to have a “normal” plot where all axes are the same, without any scaling, i.e. the length in every axis is the same.

surface(xs, ts, f; fillalpha=0.9, camera=(20, 40), aspect_ratio=1)

gives this where 1 in the z-axis is approximately equal to 12 in the x- and y-axes.

Check this post on isometric 3D plotting using Plots.jl.

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Though it seems easier just to ignore the problem.

You could just normalize each coordinate

surface((xs.-minimum(xs)./(maximum(xs)-minimum(xs)), (fs.-minimum(fs)./(maximum(fs)-minimum(fs)), (f.-minimum(f)./(maximum(f)-minimum(f)); fillalpha=0.9, camera=(20, 40), aspect_ratio=1)