please consider this code:
for N = [10 20 30]
for C = [0.1 0.2]
@time my_function(N,C);
The my_function
is a defined function.
My question is How I can save @time
output in a file so that after running the code I can access the results in a separate file like timings.txt
? or if it is possible to save the time output in a variable so that it can be used later?
Thank you for your time.
You might like TimerOutputs
Alternatively, you could use @elapsed
my_function(x,y) = x+y
my_function(1,0.1) # Warm up.
timings = Array{Float64}(3,2)
for (i,N) = enumerate([10 20 30])
for (j,C) = enumerate([0.1 0.2])
timings[i,j] = @elapsed my_function(N,C);
julia> timings
3×2 Array{Float64,2}:
6.1e-8 2.3e-8
1.7e-8 1.7e-8
6.7e-8 1.7e-8
And then if you want to save it, just use writedlm
I personally prefer TimerOutputs, because it does some quite useful statistics for you automatically. It all depends on your taste though.
That was a great help. The package is useful but my problem is this package is not installed on my system and I can`t install it either.
so is there any way to do it in another form, not using any special package?
You can install any package with Pkg.add
. In this case, you just need to run
Julia is a little different from systems like MATLAB in that you will need to install packages even to do simple tasks.
If you don’t want to use any packages, then I think that the solution that I gave above should work for you. You might also like these functions/macros:
help?> tic
search: tic tick_params ticklabel_format zticks yticks xticks issticky
Set a timer to be read by the next call to toc or toq. The macro call @time
expr can also be used to time evaluation.
julia> tic()
julia> sleep(0.3)
julia> toc()
elapsed time: 0.302745944 seconds
help?> toc
search: toc touch autoscale getsockname trylock TCPSocket bitbroadcast
Print and return the time elapsed since the last tic. The macro call @time
expr can also be used to time evaluation.
julia> tic()
julia> sleep(0.3)
julia> toc()
elapsed time: 0.302745944 seconds
help?> @allocated
A macro to evaluate an expression, discarding the resulting value, instead
returning the total number of bytes allocated during evaluation of the
expression. Note: the expression is evaluated inside a local function,
instead of the current context, in order to eliminate the effects of
compilation, however, there still may be some allocations due to JIT
compilation. This also makes the results inconsistent with the @time macros,
which do not try to adjust for the effects of compilation.
See also @time, @timev, @timed, and @elapsed.
julia> @allocated rand(10^6)
help?> @timed
A macro to execute an expression, and return the value of the expression,
elapsed time, total bytes allocated, garbage collection time, and an object
with various memory allocation counters.
See also @time, @timev, @elapsed, and @allocated.
julia> val, t, bytes, gctime, memallocs = @timed rand(10^6);
julia> t
julia> bytes
julia> gctime
julia> fieldnames(typeof(memallocs))
9-element Array{Symbol,1}:
julia> memallocs.total_time
For those that nowaday use BenchmarkTools:
using BenchmarkTools
t = @benchmark myfunction($arg)
minTime = minimum(t.times)
The right answer to the original question at that time and today would probably be either @elapsed
or @timed
both from Base