I am estimating a model. In the process of estimation I have to convert a fixed independent and normally distributed vector to a correlated multivariate normal vector. The way I am doing that is using this:
\bf{x} \sim N(\bf{0}, I) \Rightarrow S \bf{x} \sim N(0,SS').
That means that if I can obtain a matrix \bf{S} such that \bf{S}\bf{S}' is positive semi definite, I can premultiply vector \bf{x} by \bf{S} to obtain a correlated normal vector. The problem I’m facing is that I am parameterizing matrix \Sigma = \bf{S} \bf{S}'. Say it is 3x3:
Σ = [s11 s12 s13;
s12 s22 s23;
s13 s23 s33]
Those are the parameters I am supplying the optimizer. I am obtaining \bf{S} using a Cholesky decomposition.
How can I impose restrictions on the components of Σ such that it is positive semi definite (and therefore the Cholesky decomposition exists)?
I thought about parameterizing \bf{S} instead, and then constructing Σ = S * transpose(S). The problem in that case is that Σ ends up having all positive values and I want to allow for some negative components in it (allowing for negative covariance between components of \bf{x}).
Here is a simple example:
using LinearAlgebra
x = randn(3, 100)
function obj(s; x)
s11 = s[1]
s12 = s[2]
s13 = s[3]
s22 = s[4]
s23 = s[5]
s33 = s[6]
Σ = [s11 s12 s13;
s12 s22 s23;
s13 s23 s33]
S = cholesky(Σ).L
y = S * x
return f(y)
f(y) = sum(y)
Again, I want to be able to supply function obj to an optimizer, which means that it should be able to accept any vector s. What are restrictions I can place on Σ to ensure it is positive semi definite? For example, the main diagonal elements must be non-negative, which can be achieved with an exp transform.
What I want is to make function obj able to accept any inputs, transform them, and make a psd matrix from them. That way, I can safely supply function obj to an optimizer without having to worry whether the function will error because it can’t construct psd Σ.
I thought about parameterizing instead, and then constructing Σ = S * transpose(S). The problem in that case is that Σ ends up having all positive values and I want to allow for some negative components in it (allowing for negative covariance between components of ).
I think this is probably the better approach. That said, I’m not sure why you would be seeing Σ ending up having all positive values. Were you making S be symmetric rather than triangular?
I’m not exactly sure how to solve your problem, but there’s the NearestCorrelationMatrix.jl library that can find a positive definite correlation matrix from an input matrix. Can you compute the the covariance matrix from the correlation matrix?
For optimization over constrained spaces, I usually reach for TransformVariables.jl providing transformations onto unconstrained vectors. In particular, for covariance matrices check out corr_cholesky_factor.
In case you want to get really fancy, you can also use Manopt.jl and optimize over the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices directly.
I was checking TransformVariables.jl, the author says that the densities need to be adjusted. Why is that necessary? What I had in mind to do is to employ the delta method to obtain the correct variances of the transformed parameters (those in \Sigma) from the obtained estimates (those in S).