@JeffreySarnoff, thanks for your time and answer, but it issues error messages:
function elcount6!(blobs, blobs_occ)
@inbounds for j in axes(blobs,2), i in axes(blobs,1)
blobs[i,j] = blobs_occ[blobs[i,j]];
return blobs
blobs = rand(0:9,10_000,10_000);
blobs_occ = countmap(vec(blobs))
@btime elcount6!($blobs, $blobs_occ)
julia> @btime elcount6!($blobs, $blobs_occ)
ERROR: KeyError: key 10002175 not found
[1] getindex at .\dict.jl:467 [inlined]
Some setup seems to be required to @btime
in-place modifying functions but I did not figure out yet how to do it for the function above.