Is it possible to know how julia have been launch (-Ox) during a julia code execution ?
Not an official API, but this struct contains all of the options:
julia> Base.JLOptions()
quiet = 0,
banner = -1,
julia_bindir = "/Users/stefan/dev/julia/usr/bin",
julia_bin = "/Users/stefan/dev/julia/usr/bin/julia",
commands = Pair{Char, String}[],
image_file = "/Users/stefan/dev/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib",
cpu_target = "native",
nthreads = 0,
nprocs = 0,
machine_file = "",
project = "",
isinteractive = 0,
color = 0,
historyfile = 1,
startupfile = 0,
compile_enabled = 1,
code_coverage = 0,
malloc_log = 0,
opt_level = 2,
debug_level = 1,
check_bounds = 0,
depwarn = 0,
warn_overwrite = 0,
can_inline = 1,
polly = 1,
trace_compile = "",
fast_math = 0,
worker = 0,
cookie = "",
handle_signals = 1,
use_sysimage_native_code = 1,
use_compiled_modules = 1,
bindto = "",
outputbc = "",
outputunoptbc = "",
outputo = "",
outputasm = "",
outputji = "",
output_code_coverage = "",
incremental = 0,
image_file_specified = 0,
warn_scope = 1,
image_codegen = 0
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Thank you very much !